By: Seth Johnson

After playing a crucial role in last year’s No Limits Celebration, the National Charity League - Carmel Chapter again helped to make the 2023 No Limits Celebration a successful event, thanks to their dedicated volunteer support.

Mothers and daughters from the National Charity League - Carmel Chapter pose for a photo next to a 3D No Limits sign in ISBVI’s Churchman Dining Hall. The sign reads “no limits” in black letters on top of an orange base.

In addition to helping out with setup for the 2023 No Limits Celebration’s pre-concert reception in Churchman Dining Hall on July 21, the mother/daughter volunteer group also returned to Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired the following day, helping to fill in several volunteer roles that made this year’s event run smoothly.

As a mother who works as the liaison between IBCF and the National Charity League – Carmel Chapter, Aruna Ramkaransingh says she and her daughters Sonia and Suria love supporting the Indiana Blind Children’s Foundation in whatever ways they can.

“As a multi-generational philanthropic organization of mothers and daughters, we at the National Charity League donate close to three million hours annually to over 6,000 charities in the United States,” Ramkaransingh says. “We work together to build social awareness and serve our communities through leadership and compassion. IBCF is exactly the kind of philanthropic gem we love to partner with! Our involvement with IBCF inspires us to make a small but mighty contribution in supporting the unique work of the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. We feel so honored to have the privilege of uplifting the children who attend the school so that they may rise above their challenges to make a profound impact in this world!”

Please join us in thanking the National Charity League – Carmel Chapter for their continued support of IBCF and their dedication to volunteering at our events!



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