By: Seth Johnson

Picture of all 11 graduates standing at the back of the ISBVI Student Center with their senior sponsors- Sean Bradley (far left) and Erin Roush (far right). The graduates are lined up side by side wearing their caps and gowns.

On Friday, May 24, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI) held its graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024, marking the final graduation on the campus of ISBVI before construction begins on the school’s new co-located campus with Indiana School for the Deaf.

Following the annual Senior Banquet the prior evening, the Class of 2024 was honored in front of a packed ISBVI auditorium full of family members and loved ones. To kick off the ceremony, Class of 2024 salutatorian Leah South addressed all of those in attendance.

“We’re here this morning to celebrate our accomplishments and successes and to begin our journey into the future,” South said. “At last, our hard work has finally paid off. We are prepared to go into the future and face the challenge of what lies ahead for us as adults.”

Following Leah’s introductory address, ISBVI superintendent Jim Durst shared some words on the Class of 2024, mentioning how he’s gotten to know each member of the Class over the years.

“I’m pleased and privileged to say I remember each of our graduating seniors’ first day of enrollment in school,” Durst said. “Some started at a very young, elementary age and spent most of their education career with us, while others enrolled in later years. Nevertheless, each one of them brought something special and unique to our school and helped shape the culture and climate of not only their class but our school at large.”

ISBVI Valedictorian, Nate, speaking at the podium on stage at the ISBVI graduation. Purple and yellow flowers adorn the front of the podium on stage. Behind Nate are three ISBVI board members who are seated.As part of his speech as the Class of 2024 valedictorian, Nate Taylor made sure to thank the Indiana Blind Children’s Foundation for the impact it had on the Class of 2024.

“I want to thank you for believing in our class and helping us reach the point we are at today,” Taylor said. “Next, I want to thank all of our amazing parents and caregivers for the love and support they give to us. Lastly, I want to thank the Blind Children's Foundation for providing the students with opportunities we never could have imagined, like the Chicago and Washington D.C. trips. We've had many fun experiences.”

As part of a very powerful commencement speech, IBCF board member and ISBVI alum Kathy Nimmer urged the Class of 2024 to cherish every moment as they enter the next chapter of their lives.

“For all of you, this day is a turning point,” Nimmer said. “When I was considering what I would say to you as you step out on your own path, I thought about these buildings that surround us — most of which will not be standing soon as the school is redone. I wondered what the buildings themselves would whisper, lean in, and say to the 11 of you right now. They would say, ‘Time goes by in a hop, skip, and jump. It passes so fast, from 1847 when the school first opened to 1930 when this campus opened to 2024 when it is getting ready to change. The buildings would whisper, ‘Don’t take time for granted. Live in each moment and appreciate it.’”

Congratulations on graduating from ISBVI, Chase, Clayton, E.J., Isaias, Jeremiah, Kennedy, Kyan, Leah, Nate, Nestor, and Orlando!





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